30 Min. Filmed Reiki Healing Session
I will heal you with 8-10 crystals, and give guidance with 4 cards.
Service Description
A video will be sent your way with the performance of the session. If you feel that you need some extra vitality in your life through the powers of the energetic life force within us all, allow Tony's reiki services to provide the help you need. Please write to me the color shirt you will be wearing for the session, your general location (bedroom, living room, dining room, etc), and your place of residency (town/city). This will help me guide the energy directly your way! You will receive a picture as a receipt of what I have done for your session, and crystals I've used. You will allow Reiki energy to access you by being open to it (believing that it works)! Note that this is not guaranteed to replace your current methods of treating ailments. *ALWAYS CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER FOR MY EMAILS!* (BOOKING A 30 MINUTE SERVICE IS THE BEST DEAL PER MINUTE)

Contact Details